Tires and Wheels: Balancing Speed and Style

Two Tips for Keeping Your Car Tyres in Great Condition

Car tyres play a huge role in how safe, comfortable and easy your car is to drive. Given this, it makes sense to take good care of them. Here are two tips that should help you to keep your tyres in excellent condition for as long as possible.

Maintain proper wheel alignment

A car's wheels should be positioned at an angle that allows them to be perpendicular to the road and parallel to one another. If they are not, they are said to be misaligned. Wheel misalignment can be caused by the wearing out of a vehicle's suspension springs or by a forceful impact (such as a collision, for example).

This issue can cause a whole host of problems; in addition to making a car 'drift' to one side of the road instead of moving in a straight line, and reducing the responsiveness of the steering wheel, it can also affect the speed and manner in which its tyres wear out; if your car has this problem, you may notice that the tyres seem to be going bald far quicker than they have done in the past and that they are wearing out unevenly.

If you want to spare yourself the cost and hassle of having to replace a prematurely worn set of tyres, it's important to take your vehicle to the mechanic for wheel alignment. Realigning a car's wheels is a relatively simple and inexpensive job which rarely takes more than an hour or so.

Maintain the correct levels of inflation

One of the most effective ways to keep your tyres in good condition for as long as possible is to monitor and correct their pressure levels on a regular basis. Over or under-inflating your vehicle's tyres will drastically shorten their lifespan; the former will make them more susceptible to punctures when you drive over pothole-riddled roads or sharp objects whilst the latter can lead to the generation of excess heat, which will increase the rate at which the tyre goes bald.

Ideally, you should check and correct tyre pressure levels at least once a fortnight. You can do this at a fuel station or you can purchase a portable pressure gauge and an air compressor, and carry out this task anywhere you want.

It's worth noting that there are no universally-correct pressure levels; as such, it's important to check your vehicle manufacturer's manual to find the right figures for your particular car.
